use rocket::{fs::FileServer, get, routes, State}; use s3::S3; use tracing::{info, Level}; use url::Url; mod s3; struct Config<'a> { s3_url: &'a str, s3_bucket: &'a str, s3_access_key: &'a str, s3_secret_key: &'a str, } #[rocket::main] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_line_number(false) .without_time() .with_max_level(Level::INFO) .init(); let config = Config { s3_bucket: "v1.10", s3_url: "http://localhost:9000", s3_access_key: "8UO76z8wCs9DnpxSbQUY", s3_secret_key: "xwKVMpf2jzgprsdo85Dvo74UmO84y0aRrAUorYY5", }; let s3 = S3::connect(&config).await.expect("Failed to connect to minio, aborting."); let _ = rocket::build() .mount("/", FileServer::new("www/")) .mount("/", routes![get_s3_content]) .manage(s3) .launch() .await; info!("Bye"); } #[get("/")] async fn get_s3_content(path: &str, db: &State) -> String { info!(path); // TODO this is just pseudo-code let url = ""; if let Some(resp) = db.get(&url).await { return resp } "Hello world.".to_owned() }