notify-send "Postion 1" sleep 2 eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell) X1=$X Y1=$Y notify-send "Postion 2" sleep 2 eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell) X2=$X Y2=$Y # X COORDS if [[ $X2 -ge $X1 ]]; then X=$X1 W=$(($X2-$X1)) else X=$X2 W=$(($X1-$X2)) fi # Y COORDS if [[ $Y2 -ge $Y1 ]]; then Y=$Y1 H=$(($Y2-$Y1)) else Y=$Y2 H=$(($Y1-$Y2)) fi CLIPBOARD="0" DISK="1" SAVE=$(notify-send "How to save?" --action=$CLIPBOARD=Clipboard --action=$DISK=Disk --expire-time=99999) if [[ $SAVE == $CLIPBOARD ]]; then shotgun - | xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -i elif [[ $SAVE == $DISK ]]; then shotgun -g ${W}x${H}+${X}+${Y} ~/Pictures/$(date +%a%b%d-%G-%s).png else # They let the notification expire echo 0 fi