-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local shell = require("awful.util").shell
-local escape_f = require("awful.util").escape
-local focused = require("awful.screen").focused
-local naughty = require("naughty")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local os = os
-local string = string
--- MPD infos
--- lain.widget.mpd
-local function factory(args)
- args = args or {}
- local mpd = { widget = args.widget or wibox.widget.textbox() }
- local timeout = args.timeout or 2
- local password = (args.password and #args.password > 0 and string.format("password %s\\n", args.password)) or ""
- local host = args.host or os.getenv("MPD_HOST") or ""
- local port = args.port or os.getenv("MPD_PORT") or "6600"
- local music_dir = args.music_dir or os.getenv("HOME") .. "/Music"
- local cover_pattern = args.cover_pattern or "*\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$"
- local cover_size = args.cover_size or 100
- local default_art = args.default_art
- local notify = args.notify or "on"
- local followtag = args.followtag or false
- local settings = args.settings or function() end
- local mpdh = string.format("telnet://%s:%s", host, port)
- local echo = string.format("printf \"%sstatus\\ncurrentsong\\nclose\\n\"", password)
- local cmd = string.format("%s | curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 %s", echo, mpdh)
- mpd_notification_preset = { title = "Now playing", timeout = 6 }
- helpers.set_map("current mpd track", nil)
- function mpd.update()
- helpers.async({ shell, "-c", cmd }, function(f)
- mpd_now = {
- random_mode = false,
- single_mode = false,
- repeat_mode = false,
- consume_mode = false,
- pls_pos = "N/A",
- pls_len = "N/A",
- state = "N/A",
- file = "N/A",
- name = "N/A",
- artist = "N/A",
- title = "N/A",
- album = "N/A",
- genre = "N/A",
- track = "N/A",
- date = "N/A",
- time = "N/A",
- elapsed = "N/A",
- volume = "N/A"
- }
- for line in string.gmatch(f, "[^\n]+") do
- for k, v in string.gmatch(line, "([%w]+):[%s](.*)$") do
- if k == "state" then mpd_now.state = v
- elseif k == "file" then mpd_now.file = v
- elseif k == "Name" then mpd_now.name = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Artist" then mpd_now.artist = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Title" then mpd_now.title = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Album" then mpd_now.album = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Genre" then mpd_now.genre = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Track" then mpd_now.track = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Date" then mpd_now.date = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Time" then mpd_now.time = v
- elseif k == "elapsed" then mpd_now.elapsed = string.match(v, "%d+")
- elseif k == "song" then mpd_now.pls_pos = v
- elseif k == "playlistlength" then mpd_now.pls_len = v
- elseif k == "repeat" then mpd_now.repeat_mode = v ~= "0"
- elseif k == "single" then mpd_now.single_mode = v ~= "0"
- elseif k == "random" then mpd_now.random_mode = v ~= "0"
- elseif k == "consume" then mpd_now.consume_mode = v ~= "0"
- elseif k == "volume" then mpd_now.volume = v
- end
- end
- end
- mpd_notification_preset.text = string.format("%s (%s) - %s\n%s", mpd_now.artist,
- mpd_now.album, mpd_now.date, mpd_now.title)
- widget = mpd.widget
- settings()
- if mpd_now.state == "play" then
- if notify == "on" and mpd_now.title ~= helpers.get_map("current mpd track") then
- helpers.set_map("current mpd track", mpd_now.title)
- if followtag then mpd_notification_preset.screen = focused() end
- local common = {
- preset = mpd_notification_preset,
- icon = default_art,
- icon_size = cover_size,
- replaces_id = mpd.id
- }
- if not string.match(mpd_now.file, "http.*://") then -- local file instead of http stream
- local path = string.format("%s/%s", music_dir, string.match(mpd_now.file, ".*/"))
- local cover = string.format("find '%s' -maxdepth 1 -type f | egrep -i -m1 '%s'",
- path:gsub("'", "'\\''"), cover_pattern)
- helpers.async({ shell, "-c", cover }, function(current_icon)
- common.icon = current_icon:gsub("\n", "")
- if #common.icon == 0 then common.icon = nil end
- mpd.id = naughty.notify(common).id
- end)
- else
- mpd.id = naughty.notify(common).id
- end
- end
- elseif mpd_now.state ~= "pause" then
- helpers.set_map("current mpd track", nil)
- end
- end)
- end
- mpd.timer = helpers.newtimer("mpd", timeout, mpd.update, true, true)
- return mpd
-return factory
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/net.lua b/.config/awesome/lain/widget/net.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b7b165..0000000
--- a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/net.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
- * (c) 2013, Luca CPZ
- * (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local naughty = require("naughty")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local string = string
--- Network infos
--- lain.widget.net
-local function factory(args)
- args = args or {}
- local net = { widget = args.widget or wibox.widget.textbox(), devices = {} }
- local timeout = args.timeout or 2
- local units = args.units or 1024 -- KB
- local notify = args.notify or "on"
- local wifi_state = args.wifi_state or "off"
- local eth_state = args.eth_state or "off"
- local screen = args.screen or 1
- local format = args.format or "%.1f"
- local settings = args.settings or function() end
- -- Compatibility with old API where iface was a string corresponding to 1 interface
- net.iface = (args.iface and (type(args.iface) == "string" and {args.iface}) or
- (type(args.iface) == "table" and args.iface)) or {}
- function net.get_devices()
- net.iface = {} -- reset at every call
- helpers.line_callback("ip link", function(line)
- net.iface[#net.iface + 1] = not string.match(line, "LOOPBACK") and string.match(line, "(%w+): <") or nil
- end)
- end
- if #net.iface == 0 then net.get_devices() end
- function net.update()
- -- These are the totals over all specified interfaces
- net_now = {
- devices = {},
- -- Bytes since last iteration
- sent = 0,
- received = 0
- }
- for _, dev in ipairs(net.iface) do
- local dev_now = {}
- local dev_before = net.devices[dev] or { last_t = 0, last_r = 0 }
- local now_t = tonumber(helpers.first_line(string.format("/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/tx_bytes", dev)) or 0)
- local now_r = tonumber(helpers.first_line(string.format("/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/rx_bytes", dev)) or 0)
- dev_now.carrier = helpers.first_line(string.format("/sys/class/net/%s/carrier", dev)) or "0"
- dev_now.state = helpers.first_line(string.format("/sys/class/net/%s/operstate", dev)) or "down"
- dev_now.sent = (now_t - dev_before.last_t) / timeout / units
- dev_now.received = (now_r - dev_before.last_r) / timeout / units
- net_now.sent = net_now.sent + dev_now.sent
- net_now.received = net_now.received + dev_now.received
- dev_now.sent = string.format(format, dev_now.sent)
- dev_now.received = string.format(format, dev_now.received)
- dev_now.last_t = now_t
- dev_now.last_r = now_r
- if wifi_state == "on" and helpers.first_line(string.format("/sys/class/net/%s/uevent", dev)) == "DEVTYPE=wlan" then
- dev_now.wifi = true
- if string.match(dev_now.carrier, "1") then
- dev_now.signal = tonumber(string.match(helpers.lines_from("/proc/net/wireless")[3], "(%-%d+%.)")) or nil
- end
- else
- dev_now.wifi = false
- end
- if eth_state == "on" and helpers.first_line(string.format("/sys/class/net/%s/uevent", dev)) ~= "DEVTYPE=wlan" then
- dev_now.ethernet = true
- else
- dev_now.ethernet = false
- end
- net.devices[dev] = dev_now
- -- Notify only once when connection is lost
- if string.match(dev_now.carrier, "0") and notify == "on" and helpers.get_map(dev) then
- naughty.notify {
- title = dev,
- text = "No carrier",
- icon = helpers.icons_dir .. "no_net.png",
- screen = screen
- }
- helpers.set_map(dev, false)
- elseif string.match(dev_now.carrier, "1") then
- helpers.set_map(dev, true)
- end
- net_now.carrier = dev_now.carrier
- net_now.state = dev_now.state
- net_now.devices[dev] = dev_now
- -- net_now.sent and net_now.received will be
- -- the totals across all specified devices
- end
- net_now.sent = string.format(format, net_now.sent)
- net_now.received = string.format(format, net_now.received)
- widget = net.widget
- settings()
- end
- helpers.newtimer("network", timeout, net.update)
- return net
-return factory
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/pulse.lua b/.config/awesome/lain/widget/pulse.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f4d70..0000000
--- a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/pulse.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
- * (c) 2016, Luca CPZ
-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local shell = require("awful.util").shell
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local string = string
-local type = type
--- PulseAudio volume
--- lain.widget.pulse
-local function factory(args)
- args = args or {}
- local pulse = { widget = args.widget or wibox.widget.textbox(), device = "N/A" }
- local timeout = args.timeout or 5
- local settings = args.settings or function() end
- pulse.devicetype = args.devicetype or "sink"
- pulse.cmd = args.cmd or "pacmd list-" .. pulse.devicetype .. "s | sed -n -e '/*/,$!d' -e '/index/p' -e '/base volume/d' -e '/volume:/p' -e '/muted:/p' -e '/device\\.string/p'"
- function pulse.update()
- helpers.async({ shell, "-c", type(pulse.cmd) == "string" and pulse.cmd or pulse.cmd() },
- function(s)
- volume_now = {
- index = string.match(s, "index: (%S+)") or "N/A",
- device = string.match(s, "device.string = \"(%S+)\"") or "N/A",
- muted = string.match(s, "muted: (%S+)") or "N/A"
- }
- pulse.device = volume_now.index
- local ch = 1
- volume_now.channel = {}
- for v in string.gmatch(s, ":.-(%d+)%%") do
- volume_now.channel[ch] = v
- ch = ch + 1
- end
- volume_now.left = volume_now.channel[1] or "N/A"
- volume_now.right = volume_now.channel[2] or "N/A"
- widget = pulse.widget
- settings()
- end)
- end
- helpers.newtimer("pulse", timeout, pulse.update)
- return pulse
-return factory
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/pulsebar.lua b/.config/awesome/lain/widget/pulsebar.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 19e73b9..0000000
--- a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/pulsebar.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
- Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
- * (c) 2013, Luca CPZ
- * (c) 2013, Rman
-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local awful = require("awful")
-local naughty = require("naughty")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local math = math
-local string = string
-local type = type
-local tonumber = tonumber
--- PulseAudio volume bar
--- lain.widget.pulsebar
-local function factory(args)
- local pulsebar = {
- colors = {
- background = "#000000",
- mute_background = "#000000",
- mute = "#EB8F8F",
- unmute = "#A4CE8A"
- },
- _current_level = 0,
- _mute = "no",
- device = "N/A"
- }
- args = args or {}
- local timeout = args.timeout or 5
- local settings = args.settings or function() end
- local width = args.width or 63
- local height = args.height or 1
- local margins = args.margins or 1
- local paddings = args.paddings or 1
- local ticks = args.ticks or false
- local ticks_size = args.ticks_size or 7
- local tick = args.tick or "|"
- local tick_pre = args.tick_pre or "["
- local tick_post = args.tick_post or "]"
- local tick_none = args.tick_none or " "
- pulsebar.colors = args.colors or pulsebar.colors
- pulsebar.followtag = args.followtag or false
- pulsebar.notification_preset = args.notification_preset
- pulsebar.devicetype = args.devicetype or "sink"
- pulsebar.cmd = args.cmd or "pacmd list-" .. pulsebar.devicetype .. "s | sed -n -e '/*/,$!d' -e '/index/p' -e '/base volume/d' -e '/volume:/p' -e '/muted:/p' -e '/device\\.string/p'"
- if not pulsebar.notification_preset then
- pulsebar.notification_preset = {
- font = "Monospace 10"
- }
- end
- pulsebar.bar = wibox.widget {
- color = pulsebar.colors.unmute,
- background_color = pulsebar.colors.background,
- forced_height = height,
- forced_width = width,
- margins = margins,
- paddings = paddings,
- ticks = ticks,
- ticks_size = ticks_size,
- widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
- }
- pulsebar.tooltip = awful.tooltip({ objects = { pulsebar.bar } })
- function pulsebar.update(callback)
- helpers.async({ awful.util.shell, "-c", type(pulsebar.cmd) == "string" and pulsebar.cmd or pulsebar.cmd() },
- function(s)
- volume_now = {
- index = string.match(s, "index: (%S+)") or "N/A",
- device = string.match(s, "device.string = \"(%S+)\"") or "N/A",
- muted = string.match(s, "muted: (%S+)") or "N/A"
- }
- pulsebar.device = volume_now.index
- local ch = 1
- volume_now.channel = {}
- for v in string.gmatch(s, ":.-(%d+)%%") do
- volume_now.channel[ch] = v
- ch = ch + 1
- end
- volume_now.left = volume_now.channel[1] or "N/A"
- volume_now.right = volume_now.channel[2] or "N/A"
- local volu = volume_now.left
- local mute = volume_now.muted
- if volu:match("N/A") or mute:match("N/A") then return end
- if volu ~= pulsebar._current_level or mute ~= pulsebar._mute then
- pulsebar._current_level = tonumber(volu)
- pulsebar.bar:set_value(pulsebar._current_level / 100)
- if pulsebar._current_level == 0 or mute == "yes" then
- pulsebar._mute = mute
- pulsebar.tooltip:set_text ("[muted]")
- pulsebar.bar.color = pulsebar.colors.mute
- pulsebar.bar.background_color = pulsebar.colors.mute_background
- else
- pulsebar._mute = "no"
- pulsebar.tooltip:set_text(string.format("%s %s: %s", pulsebar.devicetype, pulsebar.device, volu))
- pulsebar.bar.color = pulsebar.colors.unmute
- pulsebar.bar.background_color = pulsebar.colors.background
- end
- settings()
- if type(callback) == "function" then callback() end
- end
- end)
- end
- function pulsebar.notify()
- pulsebar.update(function()
- local preset = pulsebar.notification_preset
- preset.title = string.format("%s %s - %s%%", pulsebar.devicetype, pulsebar.device, pulsebar._current_level)
- if pulsebar._mute == "yes" then
- preset.title = preset.title .. " muted"
- end
- -- tot is the maximum number of ticks to display in the notification
- -- fallback: default horizontal wibox height
- local wib, tot = awful.screen.focused().mywibox, 20
- -- if we can grab mywibox, tot is defined as its height if
- -- horizontal, or width otherwise
- if wib then
- if wib.position == "left" or wib.position == "right" then
- tot = wib.width
- else
- tot = wib.height
- end
- end
- local int = math.modf((pulsebar._current_level / 100) * tot)
- preset.text = string.format(
- "%s%s%s%s",
- tick_pre,
- string.rep(tick, int),
- string.rep(tick_none, tot - int),
- tick_post
- )
- if pulsebar.followtag then preset.screen = awful.screen.focused() end
- if not pulsebar.notification then
- pulsebar.notification = naughty.notify {
- preset = preset,
- destroy = function() pulsebar.notification = nil end
- }
- else
- naughty.replace_text(pulsebar.notification, preset.title, preset.text)
- end
- end)
- end
- helpers.newtimer(string.format("pulsebar-%s-%s", pulsebar.devicetype, pulsebar.device), timeout, pulsebar.update)
- return pulsebar
-return factory
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/sysload.lua b/.config/awesome/lain/widget/sysload.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7260524..0000000
--- a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/sysload.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
- * (c) 2013, Luca CPZ
- * (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local open, match = io.open, string.match
--- System load
--- lain.widget.sysload
-local function factory(args)
- args = args or {}
- local sysload = { widget = args.widget or wibox.widget.textbox() }
- local timeout = args.timeout or 2
- local settings = args.settings or function() end
- function sysload.update()
- local f = open("/proc/loadavg")
- local ret = f:read("*all")
- f:close()
- load_1, load_5, load_15 = match(ret, "([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) ([^%s]+)")
- widget = sysload.widget
- settings()
- end
- helpers.newtimer("sysload", timeout, sysload.update)
- return sysload
-return factory
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/temp.lua b/.config/awesome/lain/widget/temp.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f8700..0000000
--- a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/temp.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
- * (c) 2013, Luca CPZ
-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local tonumber = tonumber
--- {thermal,core} temperature info
--- lain.widget.temp
-local function factory(args)
- args = args or {}
- local temp = { widget = args.widget or wibox.widget.textbox() }
- local timeout = args.timeout or 30
- local tempfile = args.tempfile or "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"
- local format = args.format or "%.1f"
- local settings = args.settings or function() end
- function temp.update()
- helpers.async({"find", "/sys/devices", "-type", "f", "-name", "*temp*"}, function(f)
- temp_now = {}
- local temp_fl, temp_value
- for t in f:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
- temp_fl = helpers.first_line(t)
- if temp_fl then
- temp_value = tonumber(temp_fl)
- temp_now[t] = temp_value and temp_value/1e3 or temp_fl
- end
- end
- if temp_now[tempfile] then
- coretemp_now = string.format(format, temp_now[tempfile])
- else
- coretemp_now = "N/A"
- end
- widget = temp.widget
- settings()
- end)
- end
- helpers.newtimer("thermal", timeout, temp.update)
- return temp
-return factory
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/weather.lua b/.config/awesome/lain/widget/weather.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c683d42..0000000
--- a/.config/awesome/lain/widget/weather.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
- * (c) 2015, Luca CPZ
-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local json = require("lain.util").dkjson
-local focused = require("awful.screen").focused
-local naughty = require("naughty")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local math = math
-local os = os
-local string = string
-local type = type
-local tonumber = tonumber
--- OpenWeatherMap
--- current weather and X-days forecast
--- lain.widget.weather
-local function factory(args)
- args = args or {}
- local weather = { widget = args.widget or wibox.widget.textbox() }
- local APPID = args.APPID -- mandatory
- local timeout = args.timeout or 60 * 15 -- 15 min
- local current_call = args.current_call or "curl -s 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?id=%s&units=%s&lang=%s&APPID=%s'"
- local forecast_call = args.forecast_call or "curl -s 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?id=%s&units=%s&lang=%s&APPID=%s'"
- local city_id = args.city_id or 0 -- placeholder
- local units = args.units or "metric"
- local lang = args.lang or "en"
- local cnt = args.cnt or 5
- local icons_path = args.icons_path or helpers.icons_dir .. "openweathermap/"
- local notification_preset = args.notification_preset or {}
- local notification_text_fun = args.notification_text_fun or
- function (wn)
- local day = os.date("%a %d", wn["dt"])
- local temp = math.floor(wn["main"]["temp"])
- local desc = wn["weather"][1]["description"]
- return string.format("%s: %s, %d ", day, desc, temp)
- end
- local weather_na_markup = args.weather_na_markup or " N/A "
- local followtag = args.followtag or false
- local showpopup = args.showpopup or "on"
- local settings = args.settings or function() end
- weather.widget:set_markup(weather_na_markup)
- weather.icon_path = icons_path .. "na.png"
- weather.icon = wibox.widget.imagebox(weather.icon_path)
- function weather.show(seconds)
- weather.hide()
- if followtag then
- notification_preset.screen = focused()
- end
- if not weather.notification_text then
- weather.update()
- weather.forecast_update()
- end
- weather.notification = naughty.notify {
- preset = notification_preset,
- text = weather.notification_text,
- icon = weather.icon_path,
- timeout = type(seconds) == "number" and seconds or notification_preset.timeout
- }
- end
- function weather.hide()
- if weather.notification then
- naughty.destroy(weather.notification)
- weather.notification = nil
- end
- end
- function weather.attach(obj)
- obj:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function()
- weather.show(0)
- end)
- obj:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function()
- weather.hide()
- end)
- end
- function weather.forecast_update()
- local cmd = string.format(forecast_call, city_id, units, lang, APPID)
- helpers.async(cmd, function(f)
- local err
- weather_now, _, err = json.decode(f, 1, nil)
- if not err and type(weather_now) == "table" and tonumber(weather_now["cod"]) == 200 then
- weather.notification_text = ""
- for i = 1, weather_now["cnt"], weather_now["cnt"]//cnt do
- weather.notification_text = weather.notification_text ..
- notification_text_fun(weather_now["list"][i])
- if i < weather_now["cnt"] then
- weather.notification_text = weather.notification_text .. "\n"
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- function weather.update()
- local cmd = string.format(current_call, city_id, units, lang, APPID)
- helpers.async(cmd, function(f)
- local err
- weather_now, _, err = json.decode(f, 1, nil)
- if not err and type(weather_now) == "table" and tonumber(weather_now["cod"]) == 200 then
- local sunrise = tonumber(weather_now["sys"]["sunrise"])
- local sunset = tonumber(weather_now["sys"]["sunset"])
- local icon = weather_now["weather"][1]["icon"]
- local loc_now = os.time()
- if sunrise <= loc_now and loc_now <= sunset then
- icon = string.gsub(icon, "n", "d")
- else
- icon = string.gsub(icon, "d", "n")
- end
- weather.icon_path = icons_path .. icon .. ".png"
- widget = weather.widget
- settings()
- else
- weather.icon_path = icons_path .. "na.png"
- weather.widget:set_markup(weather_na_markup)
- end
- weather.icon:set_image(weather.icon_path)
- end)
- end
- if showpopup == "on" then weather.attach(weather.widget) end
- weather.timer = helpers.newtimer("weather-" .. city_id, timeout, weather.update, false, true)
- weather.timer_forecast = helpers.newtimer("weather_forecast-" .. city_id, timeout, weather.forecast_update, false, true)
- return weather
-return factory
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-Welcome to the Lain wiki!
-If you spot a typo or have a suggestion to improve these pages, please notify me opening an [issue](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues) format. Thank you.
-Package | Requested by | Reasons of choice
---- | --- | ---
-[curl](https://curl.haxx.se) | `imap`, `mpd`, and `weather` widgets | 1. faster and simpler to use than [LuaSocket](https://github.com/diegonehab/luasocket); 2. it's in the core of almost every distro; 3. can be called [asynchronously](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/libraries/awful.spawn.html#easy_async)
-### Arch Linux
-[AUR package](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lain-git/)
-### Other distributions
-git clone https://github.com/lcpz/lain.git ~/.config/awesome/lain
-Also available via [LuaRocks](https://luarocks.org/modules/lcpz/lain):
-luarocks install lcpz/lain
-First, include it into your `rc.lua`:
-local lain = require("lain")
-Then check out the submodules you want:
-- [Layouts](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Layouts)
-- [Widgets](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets)
-- [Utilities](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Utilities)
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/wiki/Layouts.md b/.config/awesome/lain/wiki/Layouts.md
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- lain/layout
- .
- |-- termfair
- |-- termfair.center
- |-- cascade
- |-- cascade.tile
- |-- centerwork
- |-- centerwork.horizontal
-As usual, specify your favourites in `awful.layout.layouts`, or set them on specific tags with [`awful.layout.set`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/libraries/awful.layout.html#set).
-awful.layout.set(lain.layout.termfair, tag)
-How do layouts work?
-This layout restricts the size of each window. Each window will have the
-same width but is variable in height. Furthermore, windows are
-left-aligned. The basic workflow is as follows (the number above the
-screen is the number of open windows, the number in a cell is the fixed
-number of a client):
- (1) (2) (3)
- +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
- | | | | | | | | | | | |
- | 1 | | | -> | 2 | 1 | | -> | 3 | 2 | 1 | ->
- | | | | | | | | | | | |
- +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
- (4) (5) (6)
- +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
- | 4 | | | | 5 | 4 | | | 6 | 5 | 4 |
- +---+---+---+ -> +---+---+---+ -> +---+---+---+
- | 3 | 2 | 1 | | 3 | 2 | 1 | | 3 | 2 | 1 |
- +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
-The first client will be located in the left column. When opening
-another window, this new window will be placed in the left column while
-moving the first window into the middle column. Once a row is full,
-another row above it will be created.
-Default number of columns and rows are respectively taken from `nmaster`
-and `ncol` values in `awful.tag`, but you can set your own.
-For example, this sets `termfair` to 3 columns and at least 1 row:
-lain.layout.termfair.nmaster = 3
-lain.layout.termfair.ncol = 1
-Similar to `termfair`, but with fixed number of vertical columns. Cols are centerded until there are `nmaster` columns, then windows are stacked as slaves, with possibly `ncol` clients per column at most.
- (1) (2) (3)
- +---+---+---+ +-+---+---+-+ +---+---+---+
- | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- | | 1 | | -> | | 1 | 2 | | -> | 1 | 2 | 3 | ->
- | | | | | | | | | | | | |
- +---+---+---+ +-+---+---+-+ +---+---+---+
- (4) (5)
- +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
- | | | 3 | | | 2 | 4 |
- + 1 + 2 +---+ -> + 1 +---+---+
- | | | 4 | | | 3 | 5 |
- +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
-Like `termfair`, default number of columns and rows are respectively taken from `nmaster`
-and `ncol` values in `awful.tag`, but you can set your own.
-For example, this sets `termfair.center` to 3 columns and at least 1 row:
-lain.layout.termfair.center.nmaster = 3
-lain.layout.termfair.center.ncol = 1
-Cascade all windows of a tag.
-You can control the offsets by setting these two variables:
-lain.layout.cascade.offset_x = 64
-lain.layout.cascade.offset_y = 16
-The following reserves space for 5 windows:
-lain.layout.cascade.nmaster = 5
-That is, no window will get resized upon the creation of a new window,
-unless there's more than 5 windows.
-Similar to `awful.layout.suit.tile` layout, however, clients in the slave
-column are cascaded instead of tiled.
-Left column size can be set, otherwise is controlled by `mwfact` of the
-tag. Additional windows will be opened in another column on the right.
-New windows are placed above old windows.
-Whether the slave column is placed on top of the master window or not is
-controlled by the value of `ncol`. A value of 1 means "overlapping slave column"
-and anything else means "don't overlap windows".
-Usage example:
-lain.layout.cascade.tile.offset_x = 2
-lain.layout.cascade.tile.offset_y = 32
-lain.layout.cascade.tile.extra_padding = 5
-lain.layout.cascade.tile.nmaster = 5
-lain.layout.cascade.tile.ncol = 2
-`extra_padding` reduces the size of the master window if "overlapping
-slave column" is activated. This allows you to see if there are any
-windows in your slave column.
-Setting `offset_x` to a very small value or even 0 is recommended to avoid wasting space.
-You start with one window, centered horizontally:
- +--------------------------+
- | +----------+ |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | MAIN | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | +----------+ |
- +--------------------------+
-This is your main working window. You do most of the work right here.
-Sometimes, you may want to open up additional windows. They're put on left and right, alternately.
- +--------------------------+
- | +---+ +----------+ +---+ |
- | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | |
- | +---+ | MAIN | +---+ |
- | +---+ | | +---+ |
- | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | |
- | +---+ +----------+ +---+ |
- +--------------------------+
-*Please note:* If you use Awesome's default configuration, navigation in
-this layout may be very confusing. How do you get from the main window
-to satellite ones depends on the order in which the windows are opened.
-Thus, use of `awful.client.focus.bydirection()` is suggested.
-Here's an example:
-globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
- -- [...]
- awful.key({ modkey }, "j",
- function()
- awful.client.focus.bydirection("down")
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
- end),
- awful.key({ modkey }, "k",
- function()
- awful.client.focus.bydirection("up")
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
- end),
- awful.key({ modkey }, "h",
- function()
- awful.client.focus.bydirection("left")
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
- end),
- awful.key({ modkey }, "l",
- function()
- awful.client.focus.bydirection("right")
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
- end),
- -- [...]
-Same as `centerwork`, except that the main
-window expands horizontally, and the additional windows
-are put ontop/below it. Useful if you have a screen turned 90°.
-Pre 4.0 `uselesstile` patches
-In branch 3.5, this module provided useless gaps layouts. Since useless gaps have been implemented in Awesome 4.0, those layouts have been removed.
-Following are a couple of `uselesstile` variants that were not part of lain. They are kept only for reference and are not supported.
-If you want to have `awful.layout.suit.tile` behave like xmonad, with internal gaps two times wider than external ones, download [this](https://gist.github.com/lcpz/9e56dcfbe66bfe14967c) as `lain/layout/uselesstile`.
-Inverted master
-Want to invert master window position? Use [this](https://gist.github.com/lcpz/c59dc59c9f99d98218eb) version. You can set `single_gap` with `width` and `height` in your `theme.lua`, in order to define the window geometry when there's only one client, otherwise it goes maximized. An example:
- theme.single_gap = { width = 600, height = 100 }
-What about layout icons?
-They are located in ``lain/icons/layout``.
-To use them, define new `layout_*` variables in your ``theme.lua``. For instance:
-theme.lain_icons = os.getenv("HOME") ..
- "/.config/awesome/lain/icons/layout/default/"
-theme.layout_termfair = theme.lain_icons .. "termfair.png"
-theme.layout_centerfair = theme.lain_icons .. "centerfair.png" -- termfair.center
-theme.layout_cascade = theme.lain_icons .. "cascade.png"
-theme.layout_cascadetile = theme.lain_icons .. "cascadetile.png" -- cascade.tile
-theme.layout_centerwork = theme.lain_icons .. "centerwork.png"
-theme.layout_centerworkh = theme.lain_icons .. "centerworkh.png" -- centerwork.horizontal
-Credit goes to [Nicolas Estibals](https://github.com/nestibal) for creating
-layout icons for default theme.
-You can use them as a template for your custom versions.
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-A Quake-like dropdown container for your favourite application.
-Define it globally to have a single instance for all screens:
-local quake = lain.util.quake()
-or define it in `connect_for_each_screen` to have one instance for each screen:
- -- Quake application
- s.quake = lain.util.quake()
- -- [...]
-**Keybinding example**
-If using a global instance:
-awful.key({ modkey, }, "z", function () quake:toggle() end),
-If using a per-screen instance:
-awful.key({ modkey, }, "z", function () awful.screen.focused().quake:toggle() end),
-**Input table**
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`app` | client to spawn | string | "xterm"
-`name` | client name | string | "QuakeDD"
-`argname` | how to specify client name | string | "-name %s"
-`extra` | extra `app` arguments | string | empty string
-`border` | border width | integer | 1
-`visible` | initially visible | boolean | false
-`followtag` | always spawn on currently focused screen | boolean | false
-`overlap` | Overlap the wibox or not | boolean | false
-`settings` | Additional settings to make on the client | function | `nil`
-`screen` | screen where to spawn the client | integer | `awful.screen.focused()`
-`height` | dropdown client height | float in [0,1] or exact pixels number | 0.25
-`width` | dropdown client width | float in [0,1] or exact pixels number | 1
-`vert` | vertical position | string, possible values: "top", "bottom", "center" | "top"
-`horiz` | horizontal position | string, possible values: "left", "right", "center" | "left"
-`height` and `width` express a fraction of the workspace.
-`settings` is a function which takes the client as input, and can be used to customize its properties. For instance:
--- set the client sticky
-s.quake = lain.util.quake { settings = function(c) c.sticky = true end }
-Read [here](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/client.html#Object_properties) for the complete list of properties.
-* [Does not work](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/358) with `gnome-terminal`, `konsole`, or any other terminal which is strictly designed for a Desktop Environment. Just pick a better terminal, [there's plenty](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/List_of_applications#Terminal_emulators).
-* Set `followtag = true` if [experiencing issues with multiple screens](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/346).
-* If you have a `awful.client.setslave` rule for your application, ensure you use an exception for `QuakeDD` (or your defined `name`). Otherwise, you may run into problems with focus.
-* If you are using a VTE-based terminal like `termite`, be sure to set [`argname = "--name %s"`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/211).
-* If you are using a terminal that does not always set its `class_id` to your specified `name`, such as Alacritty, then toggling will not work. You can solve this issue as explained [here](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/536#issuecomment-1180155486).
-Adds Cairo separators.
-local separators = lain.util.separators
-A separator function `separators.separator` takes two color arguments, defined as strings. `"alpha"` argument is allowed. Example:
-arrl_dl = separators.arrow_left(beautiful.bg_focus, "alpha")
-arrl_ld = separators.arrow_left("alpha", beautiful.bg_focus)
-You can customize height and width by setting `separators_height` and `separators_width` in your `theme.lua`. Default values are 0 and 9, respectively.
-List of functions:
- +-- separators
- |
- |`-- arrow_right() Draw a right arrow.
- `-- arrow_left() Draw a left arrow.
-Easier markup.
-local markup = lain.util.markup
-List of functions:
- +-- markup
- |
- |`-- bold() Set bold.
- |`-- italic() Set italicized text.
- |`-- strike() Set strikethrough text.
- |`-- underline() Set underlined text.
- |`-- monospace() Set monospaced text.
- |`-- big() Set bigger text.
- |`-- small() Set smaller text.
- |`-- font() Set the font of the text.
- |`-- font() Set the font of the text.
- |`-- color() Set background and foreground color.
- |`-- fontfg() Set font and foreground color.
- |`-- fontbg() Set font and background color.
- `-- fontcolor() Set font, plus background and foreground colors.
- |
- |`--+ bg
- | |
- | `-- color() Set background color.
- |
- `--+ fg
- |
- `-- color() Set foreground color.
-they all take one argument, which is the text to markup, except the following:
-markup.font(font, text)
-markup.color(fg, bg, text)
-markup.fontfg(font, fg, text)
-markup.fontbg(font, bg, text)
-markup.fontcolor(font, fg, bg, text)
-markup.fg.color(color, text)
-markup.bg.color(color, text)
-Dynamic tagging
-That is:
-- add a new tag;
-- rename current tag;
-- move current tag;
-- delete current tag.
-If you delete a tag, any rule set on it shall be broken, so be careful.
-Use it with key bindings like these:
-awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "n", function () lain.util.add_tag(mylayout) end),
-awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "r", function () lain.util.rename_tag() end),
-awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Left", function () lain.util.move_tag(1) end), -- move to next tag
-awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "Right", function () lain.util.move_tag(-1) end), -- move to previous tag
-awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "d", function () lain.util.delete_tag() end),
-The argument in `lain.util.add_tag` represents the tag layout, and is optional: if not present, it will be defaulted to `awful.layout.suit.tile`.
-Useless gaps resize
-Changes `beautiful.useless_gaps` on the fly.
-lain.util.useless_gap_resize(thatmuch, s, t)
-The argument `thatmuch` is the number of pixel to add to/substract from gaps (integer).
-The arguments `s` and `t` are the `awful.screen` and `awful.tag` in which you want to change the gap. They are optional.
-Following are example keybindings for changing client gaps on current screen and tag.
-Example 1:
--- On the fly useless gaps change
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "+", function () lain.util.useless_gaps_resize(1) end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "-", function () lain.util.useless_gaps_resize(-1) end),
-where `altkey = Mod1`. Example 2:
-mywidget:buttons(awful.util.table.join (
- awful.button({}, 4, function() lain.util.useless_gaps_resize(-1) end),
- awful.button({}, 5, function() lain.util.useless_gaps_resize(1) end)
- end)
-so when hovering the mouse over `mywidget`, you can adjust useless gaps size by scrolling with the mouse wheel.
-This function lets you jump to the next/previous non-empty tag.
-It takes two arguments:
-* `direction`: `1` for next non-empty tag, `-1` for previous.
-* `sc`: Screen which the taglist is in. Default is `mouse.screen` or `1`. This
- argument is optional.
-You can use it with key bindings like these:
--- Non-empty tag browsing
-awful.key({ altkey }, "Left", function () lain.util.tag_view_nonempty(-1) end),
-awful.key({ altkey }, "Right", function () lain.util.tag_view_nonempty(1) end),
-where `altkey = "Mod1"`.
-Set a client to floating and resize it in the same way the "magnifier"
-layout does it. Place it on the "current" screen (derived from the mouse
-position). This allows you to magnify any client you wish, regardless of
-the currently used layout. Use it with a client keybinding like this:
-clientkeys = awful.util.table.join(
- -- [...]
- awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "m", lain.util.magnify_client),
- -- [...]
-If you want to "de-magnify" it, just retype the keybinding.
-If you want magnified client to respond to `incmwfact`, read [here](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/195).
-Similar to `awful.menu.clients`, but this menu only shows the clients
-of currently visible tags. Use it with a key binding like this:
-awful.key({ "Mod1" }, "Tab", function()
- lain.util.menu_clients_current_tags({ width = 350 }, { keygrabber = true })
-A generic menu utility which enables iteration over lists of possible
-actions to execute. The perfect example is a menu for choosing what
-configuration to apply to X with `xrandr`, as suggested on the [Awesome wiki page](https://awesomewm.org/recipes/xrandr).
An example Synergy menu, courtesy of sim590
-You can either manually create a menu by defining a table in this format:
-{ { "choice description 1", callbackFuction1 }, { "choice description 2", callbackFunction2 }, ... }
-or use `lain.util.menu_iterator.menu`. Once you have your menu, use it with `lain.menu_iterator.iterate`.
-### Input tables
-| Argument | Description | Type
-|---|---| ---
-| `menu` | the menu to iterate on | table
-| `timeout` | time (in seconds) to wait on a choice before the choice is accepted | integer (default: 4)
-| `icon` | path to the icon to display in `naughty.notify` window | string
-| Argument | Description | Type
-|---|---| ---
-`choices` | list of choices (e.g., `{ "choice1", "choice2", ... }`) | array of strings
-`name` | name of the program related to this menu | string
-`selected_cb` | callback to execute for each selected choice, it takes one choice (string) as argument; can be `nil` (no action to execute) | function
-`rejected_cb` | callback to execute for all rejected choices (the remaining choices, once one is selected), it takes one choice (string) as argument; can be `nil` (no action to execute) | function
-`extra_choices` | more choices to be added to the menu; unlike `choices`, these ones won't trigger `rejected_cb` | array of `{ choice, callback }` pairs, where `choice` is a string and `callback` is a function
-`combination` | how choices have to be combined in the menu; possible values are: "single" (default), the set of possible choices will simply be the input set ; "powerset", the set of possible choices will be the [power set](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_set) of the input set | string
-### Examples
-A simple example is:
-local mymenu_iterable = lain.util.menu_iterator.menu {
- choices = {"My first choice", "My second choice"},
- name = "My awesome program",
- selected_cb = function(choice)
- -- do something with selected choice
- end,
- rejected_cb = function(choice)
- -- do something with every rejected choice
- end
-The variable `mymenu_iterable` is a menu compatible with the function `lain.util.menu_iterator.iterate`, which will iterate over it and displays notification with `naughty.notify` every time it is called. You can use it like this:
-local confirm_timeout = 5 -- time to wait before confirming the menu selection
-local my_notify_icon = "/path/to/icon" -- the icon to display in the notification
-lain.util.menu_iterator.iterate(mymenu_iterable, confirm_timeout, my_notify_icon)
-Once `confirm_timeout` has passed without anymore calls to `iterate`, the choice is made and the associated callbacks (both for selected and rejected choices) are spawned.
-A useful practice is to add a `Cancel` option as an extra choice for canceling a menu selection. Extending the above example:
-local mymenu_iterable = lain.util.menu_iterator.menu {
- choices = {"My first choice", "My second choice"},
- name = "My awesome program",
- selected_cb = function(choice)
- -- do something with selected choice
- end,
- rejected_cb = function(choice)
- -- do something with every rejected choice
- end
- -- nil means no action to do
- extra_choices = { {"Cancel"}, nil }
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-# Usage
-Every lain widget is a table.
-A lain widget is generated by a `function`.
-The `function` signature, input and output arguments can be found in the [related wiki entry](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#index).
-Every lain widget contains a `wibox.widget`, which is updated by a timed function. To access the widget, use the field `widget`, to access the timed function, use the field `update`. Some lain widgets may also have an `icon` field, which is a `wibox.widget.imagebox`, and/or a `timer` field, which is the `gears.timer` on `update`.
-Every `function` may take either a table or a list of variables as input.
-If the input is a table, you must define a function variable called `settings` in it. There you will be able to define `widget` appearance.
-For instance, if `widget` is a textbox, to markup it call `widget:set_markup(...)` within `settings`.
-In the scope of `settings` you can use predefined arguments, which are specified in the wiki entries.
-Example of a lain widget:
-local cpu = lain.widget.cpu {
- settings = function()
- widget:set_markup("Cpu " .. cpu_now.usage)
- end
--- to access the widget: cpu.widget
-Given the asynchronous nature of these widgets, be sure to use a [defensive programming](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/451#issuecomment-615450523) style when you write your configuration. You can find various examples of this in [awesome-copycats](https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-copycats).
-# Index
-- [alsa](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/alsa)
-- [alsabar](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/alsabar)
-- [bat](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/bat)
-- [cal](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/cal)
-- [cpu](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/cpu)
-- [fs](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/fs)
-- [imap](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/imap)
-- [mem](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/mem)
-- [mpd](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/mpd)
-- [net](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/net)
-- [pulse](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/pulse)
-- [pulsebar](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/pulsebar)
-- [sysload](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/sysload)
-- [temp](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/temp)
-- [weather](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/weather)
-## User contributions
-- [moc](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/moc)
-- [redshift](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/redshift)
-- [task](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/task)
-- [tp_smapi](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/tp_smapi)
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-[Home](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki) • [Layouts](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Layouts) • [Widgets](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets) • [Utilities](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Utilities)
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows ALSA volume.
-local volume = lain.widget.alsa()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 5
-`cmd` | Alsa mixer command | string | "amixer"
-`channel` | Mixer channel | string | "Master"
-`togglechannel` | Toggle channel | string | `nil`
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`cmd` is useful if you need to pass additional arguments to amixer. For instance, you may want to define `cmd = "amixer -c X"` in order to set amixer with card `X`.
-`settings` can use the following variables:
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Values
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`volume_now.level` | Volume level | integer | 0-100
-`volume_now.status` | Device status | string | "on", "off"
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`channel` | ALSA channel | string
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-## Toggle channel
-In case mute toggling can't be mapped to master channel (this happens, for instance, when you are using an HDMI output), define togglechannel as your S/PDIF device. You can get the device ID with `scontents` command.
-For instance, if card number is 1 and S/PDIF number is 3:
-$ amixer -c 1 scontents
-Simple mixer control 'Master',0
- Capabilities: volume
- Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
- Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
- Limits: 0 - 255
- Front Left: 255 [100%]
- Front Right: 255 [100%]
-Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0
- Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
- Playback channels: Mono
- Mono: Playback [on]
-Simple mixer control 'IEC958',1
- Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
- Playback channels: Mono
- Mono: Playback [on]
-Simple mixer control 'IEC958',2
- Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
- Playback channels: Mono
- Mono: Playback [on]
-Simple mixer control 'IEC958',3
- Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
- Playback channels: Mono
- Mono: Playback [on]
-you have to set `togglechannel = "IEC958,3"`.
-## Buttons
-If you want buttons, just add the following after your widget in `rc.lua`.
- awful.button({}, 1, function() -- left click
- awful.spawn(string.format("%s -e alsamixer", terminal))
- end),
- awful.button({}, 2, function() -- middle click
- os.execute(string.format("%s set %s 100%%", volume.cmd, volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 3, function() -- right click
- os.execute(string.format("%s set %s toggle", volume.cmd, volume.togglechannel or volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 4, function() -- scroll up
- os.execute(string.format("%s set %s 1%%+", volume.cmd, volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 5, function() -- scroll down
- os.execute(string.format("%s set %s 1%%-", volume.cmd, volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end)
-## Keybindings
-You can control the widget with keybindings like these:
--- ALSA volume control
-awful.key({ altkey }, "Up",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("amixer set %s 1%%+", volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey }, "Down",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("amixer set %s 1%%-", volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey }, "m",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("amixer set %s toggle", volume.togglechannel or volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "m",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("amixer set %s 100%%", volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "0",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("amixer set %s 0%%", volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
-where `altkey = "Mod1"`.
-### Muting with PulseAudio
-If you are using this widget in conjuction with PulseAudio, add the option `-D pulse` to the muting keybinding, like this:
-awful.key({ altkey }, "m",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("amixer -D pulse set %s toggle", volume.togglechannel or volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows ALSA volume with a progressbar; provides tooltips and notifications.
-local volume = lain.widget.alsabar()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 5
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`width` | Bar width | number | 63
-`height` | Bar height | number | 1
-`margins` | Bar margins | number | 1
-`paddings` | Bar paddings | number | 1
-`ticks` | Set bar ticks on | boolean | false
-`ticks_size` | Ticks size | integer | 7
-`tick` | String for a notification tick | string | "|"
-`tick_pre` | String for the left notification delimeter | string | "["
-`tick_post` | String for the right notification delimeter | string | "]"
-`tick_none` | String for an empty notification tick | string | " "
-`cmd` | ALSA mixer command | string | "amixer"
-`channel` | Mixer channel | string | "Master"
-`togglechannel` | Toggle channel | string | `nil`
-`tick` | The character usef for ticks in the notification | string | "|"
-`colors` | Bar colors | table | see [Default colors](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/alsabar#default-colors)
-`notification_preset` | Notification preset | table | See [default `notification_preset`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/alsabar#default-notification_preset)
-`followtag` | Display the notification on currently focused screen | boolean | false
-`cmd` is useful if you need to pass additional arguments to `amixer`. For instance, you may want to define `cmd = "amixer -c X"` in order to set amixer with card `X`.
-In case mute toggling can't be mapped to master channel (this happens, for instance, when you are using an HDMI output), define `togglechannel` as your S/PDIF device. Read [`alsa`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/alsa#toggle-channel) page to know how.
-To set the maximum number of ticks to display in the notification, define `max_ticks` (integer) in `notification_preset`.
-`settings` can use the following variables:
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Values
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`volume_now.level` | Volume level | integer | 0-100
-`volume_now.status` | Device status | string | "on", "off"
-With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.
-### Default colors
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`background` | Bar backgrund color | string | "#000000"
-`mute` | Bar mute color | string | "#EB8F8F"
-`unmute` | Bar unmute color | string | "#A4CE8A"
-### Default `notification_preset`
-notification_preset = {
- font = "Monospace 10"
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`bar` | The widget | `wibox.widget.progressbar`
-`channel` | ALSA channel | string
-`notify` | The notification | function
-`update` | Update `bar` | function
-`tooltip` | The tooltip | `awful.tooltip`
-## Buttons
-If you want buttons, just add the following after your widget in `rc.lua`.
- awful.button({}, 1, function() -- left click
- awful.spawn(string.format("%s -e alsamixer", terminal))
- end),
- awful.button({}, 2, function() -- middle click
- os.execute(string.format("%s set %s 100%%", volume.cmd, volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 3, function() -- right click
- os.execute(string.format("%s set %s toggle", volume.cmd, volume.togglechannel or volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 4, function() -- scroll up
- os.execute(string.format("%s set %s 1%%+", volume.cmd, volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 5, function() -- scroll down
- os.execute(string.format("%s set %s 1%%-", volume.cmd, volume.channel))
- volume.update()
- end)
-## Keybindings
-Read [here](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/alsa#keybindings). If you want notifications, use `volume.notify()` instead of `volume.update()`.
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows the remaining time and percentage capacity of your laptop battery, as well
-as the current wattage. Multiple batteries are supported.
-Displays a notification when battery is fully charged, low, or critical.
-local mybattery = lain.widget.bat()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 30
-`pspath` | Power supply directory path | string | "/sys/class/power_supply/"
-`battery` | Single battery id | string | autodetected
-`batteries` | Multiple batteries id table | table of strings | autodetected
-`ac` | AC | string | autodetected
-`notify` | Show notification popups | string | "on"
-`full_notify` | Show a notification popup when the battery's fully charged | string | inherited value from `notify`
-`n_perc` | Percentages assumed for critical and low battery levels | table of integers | `{5, 15}`
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-The widget will try to autodetect `battery`, `batteries` and `ac`. If something
-goes wrong, you will have to define them manually. In that case, you only have
-to define one between `battery` and `batteries`. If you have one battery, you
-can either use `args.battery = "BAT*"` or `args.batteries = {"BAT*"}`, where `BAT*`
-is the identifier of your battery in `pspath` (do not use it as a wildcard).
-Of course, if you have multiple batteries, you need to use the latter option.
-To disable notifications, set `notify` to `"off"`.
-If you define `pspath`, **be sure** to not forget the final slash (/).
-`settings` can use the `bat_now` table, which contains the following strings:
-- `status`, general status ("N/A", "Discharging", "Charging", "Full");
-- `n_status[i]`, i-th battery status (like above);
-- `ac_status`, AC-plug flag (0 if cable is unplugged, 1 if plugged, "N/A" otherwise);
-- `perc`, total charge percentage (integer between 0 and 100 or "N/A");
-- `n_perc[i]`, i-th battery charge percentage (like above);
-- `time`, time remaining until charge if charging, until discharge if discharging (HH:MM string or "N/A");
-- `watt`, battery watts (float with 2 decimals);
-- `capacity`, remaining battery capacity in percent;
-- `n_capacity[i]`, i-th battery remaining capacity (like above).
-and can modify the following three tables, which will be the preset for the naughty notifications:
-* `bat_notification_charged_preset` (used if battery is fully charged and connected to AC)
-* `bat_notification_low_preset` (used if battery charge level <= 15)
-* `bat_notification_critical_preset` (used if battery charge level <= 5)
-Check [here](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/libraries/naughty.html#notify) for
-the list of variables they can contain. Default definitions:
-bat_notification_charged_preset = {
- title = "Battery full",
- text = "You can unplug the cable",
- timeout = 15,
- fg = "#202020",
- bg = "#CDCDCD"
- }
-bat_notification_low_preset = {
- title = "Battery low",
- text = "Plug the cable!",
- timeout = 15,
- fg = "#202020",
- bg = "#CDCDCD"
-bat_notification_critical_preset = {
- title = "Battery exhausted",
- text = "Shutdown imminent",
- timeout = 15,
- fg = "#000000",
- bg = "#FFFFFF"
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-The `update` function can be used to refresh the widget before `timeout` expires.
-## Note
-Alternatively, you can try the [`upower` recipe](https://awesomewm.org/recipes/watch).
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Creates a calendar notification that can be attached to widgets.
-This is a simpler but [faster](https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/issues/1861)
-alternative to [`awful.widget.calendar_popup`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/awful.widget.calendar_popup.html), which emulates UNIX's `cal`.
-local mycal = lain.widget.cal()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`attach_to` | List of widgets | table | empty table
-`week_start` | First day of the week | integer | 2 (Monday)
-`three` | Display three months spanning the date | boolean | false
-`followtag` | Display the notification on currently focused screen | boolean | false
-`week_number` | Display the week number | string ("none", "left" or "right") | "none"
-`week_number_format` | Week number format | string | `"%3d \| "` for "left", `"\| %-3d"` for "right"
-`icons` | Path to calendar icons | string | [icons/cal/white/](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/tree/master/icons/cal/white)
-`notification_preset` | Notification preset | table | See [default `notification_preset`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/cal#default-notification_preset)
-Set `attach_to` as the list of widgets to which you want to attach the calendar, like this:
-local mycal = lain.widget.cal {
- attach_to = { mywidget1, mywidget2, ... },
- -- [...]
-For every widget in `attach_to`:
-- Left click / scroll down: switch to previous month.
-- Middle click show current month.
-- Right click / scroll up: switch to next month.
-With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.
-### Default `notification_preset`
-notification_preset = {
- font = "Monospace 10",
- fg = "#FFFFFF",
- bg = "#000000"
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`attach` | Attach the calendar to an input widget | function
-`show` | Show calendar | function
-`hide` | Hide calendar | function
-`attach` takes as argument any widget you want to attach the calendar to, while
-`show` takes as optional argument an integer to indicate the seconds to timeout.
-## Keybinding
-awful.key({ altkey }, "c", function () mycal.show(7) end)
-Where `altkey = "Mod1"`.
-## Notes
-* Naughty notifications require `notification_preset.font` to be **monospaced**, in order to correctly display the output.
-* If you want to [disable notification icon](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/pull/351), set `icons = ""` in the input table.
-* If you want to localise the calendar, put `os.setlocale(os.getenv("LANG"))` in your `rc.lua`.
-* If you want to get notifications [only with mouse clicks](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/320) on a given widget, use this code:
- ```lua
- yourwidget:disconnect_signal("mouse::enter", mycal.hover_on)
- ```
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows the current CPU usage, both in general and per core.
-local mycpu = lain.widget.cpu()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 2
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`settings` can use these strings:
-* `cpu_now.usage`, the general use percentage;
-* `cpu_now[i].usage`, the i-th core use percentage, with `i` starting from 1.
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows file systems informations.
-If a partition is given in input, a notification will be displayed when it is almost full.
-local mypartition = lain.widget.fs()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 600
-`partition` | (Optional) Partition to watch: a notification will be displayed when full | string | `nil`
-`threshold` | Percentage threshold at which the notification is triggered | integer | 99
-`notification_preset` | Notification preset | table | See [default `notification_preset`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/fs#default-notification_preset)
-`followtag` | Display the notification on currently focused screen | boolean | false
-`showpopup` | Display popups with mouse hovering | string, possible values: "on", "off" | "on"
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`settings` can use the table `fs_now`, which contains a string entry for each file system path available. For instance, root infos are located in the variable `fs_now["/"]`. Every entry in this table have the following variables:
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`units` | (multiple of) units used | string ("Kb", "Mb", "Gb", and so on)
-`percentage` | the used percentage | integer
-`size` | size in `units` of the given fs | float
-`used` | amount of space used in the given fs, expressed in `units` | float
-`free` | amount of free space in the given fs, expressed in `units` | float
-Usage example:
--- shows used (percentage) and remaining space in home partition
-local fsroothome = lain.widget.fs({
- settings = function()
- widget:set_text("/home: " .. fs_now["/home"].percentage .. "% (" ..
- fs_now["/home"].free .. " " .. fs_now["/home"].units .. " left)")
- end
--- output example: "/home: 37% (239.4 Gb left)"
-With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.
-### Default `notification_preset`
-notification_preset = {
- font = "Monospace 10",
- fg = "#FFFFFF",
- bg = "#000000"
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`show` | The notification | function
-You can display the notification with a key binding like this:
-awful.key({ altkey }, "h", function () mypartition.show(seconds, scr) end),
-where ``altkey = "Mod1"`` and ``show`` arguments, both optionals, are:
-* `seconds`, notification time in seconds
-* `scr`, screen which to display the notification in
-## Note
-Naughty notifications require `notification_preset.font` to be **monospaced**, in order to correctly display the output.
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows mails count fetching over IMAP.
-local myimap = lain.widget.imap(args)
-New mails are notified like this:
- +--------------------------------------------+
- | +---+ |
- | |\ /| donald@disney.org has 3 new messages |
- | +---+ |
- +--------------------------------------------+
-## Input table
-Required parameters are:
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`server` | Mail server | string
-`mail` | User mail | string
-`password` | User password | string
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-while the optional are:
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`port` | IMAP port | integer | 993
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 60
-`pwdtimeout` | Timeout for password retrieval function (see [here](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/imap#password-security)) | integer | 10
-`is_plain` | Define whether `password` is a plain password (true) or a command that retrieves it (false) | boolean | false
-`followtag` | Notification behaviour | boolean | false
-`notify` | Show notification popups | string | "on"
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`settings` can use `imap_now` table, which contains the following non negative integers:
-- `["MESSAGES"]`
-- `["RECENT"]`
-- `["UNSEEN"]`
-example of fetch: `total = imap_now["MESSAGES"]`. For backwards compatibility, `settings` can also use `mailcount`, a pointer to `imap_now["UNSEEN"]`.
-Also, `settings` can modify `mail_notification_preset` table, which will be the preset for the naughty notifications. Check [here](https://awesomewm.org/apidoc/libraries/naughty.html#notify) for the list of variables it can contain. Default definition:
-mail_notification _preset = {
- icon = "lain/icons/mail.png",
- position = "top_left"
-Note that `mailcount` and `imap_now` elements are equals to 0 either if there are no new mails or credentials are invalid, so make sure that your settings are correct.
-With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.
-You can have multiple instances of this widget at the same time.
-## Password security
-The reason why `is_plain` is false by default is to discourage the habit of storing passwords in plain.
-In general, when `is_plain == false`, `password` can be either a string, a table or a function: the widget will execute it asynchronously in the first two cases.
-### Using plain passwords
-You can set your password in plain like this:
-myimapcheck = lain.widget.imap {
- is_plain = true,
- password = "mymailpassword",
- -- [...]
-and you will have the same security provided by `~/.netrc`.
-### Using a password manager
-I recommend to use [spm](https://notabug.org/kl3/spm) or [pass](https://www.passwordstore.org). In this case, `password` has to be a function. Example stub:
-myimapcheck = lain.widget.imap {
- password = function()
- -- do your retrieval
- return retrieved_password, try_again
- end,
- -- [...]
-Where `retrieved_password` is the password retrieved from the manager, and `try_again` supports [DBus Secret Service](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/secret-service).
-The process flow is that the first `password()` call spawns the unlock prompt, then the second call retrieves the password. [Here](https://gist.github.com/lcpz/1854fc4320f4701957cd5309c8eed4a6) is an example of `password` function.
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-`timer` | The widget timer | [`gears.timer`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/gears.timer.html)
-`pwdtimer` | Password retrieval timer (available only if `password` is a function)| [`gears.timer`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/gears.timer.html)
-The `update` function can be used to refresh the widget before `timeout` expires.
-You can use `timer` to start/stop the widget as you like.
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows memory status in MiB, [like `top` and `free -h`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/271).
-local mymem = lain.widget.mem()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 2
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-in `settings` you can use the following variables:
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`mem_now.used` | Memory used (MiB) | string
-`mem_now.swapused` | Swap memory used (MiB) | string
-`mem_now.perc` | Memory percentage | int
-(See line 23-39 of [this file](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/blob/master/widget/mem.lua) for more potential variables.)
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-A widget for showing the current song track's information from MOC (Music On Console).
-local mymoc = lain.widget.contrib.moc()
-Now playing songs are notified like this:
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- | +-------+ |
- | |/^\_/^\| Now playing |
- | |\ O O /| Cannibal Corpse (Hammer Smashed Face) - 1993 |
- | | '.o.' | Hammer Smashed Face (Radio Disney Version) |
- | +-------+ |
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 1
-`music_dir` | Music directory | string | "~/Music"
-`cover_size` | Album art notification size (both height and width) | integer | 100
-`cover_pattern` | Pattern for the album art file | string | `*\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)`*
-`default_art` | Default art | string | ""
-`followtag` | Display the notification on currently focused screen | boolean | false
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-\* In Lua, "\\\\" means "\" escaped.
-Default `cover_pattern` definition will made the widget set the first jpg, jpeg, png or gif file found in the directory as the album art.
-Pay attention to case sensitivity when defining `music_dir`.
-`settings` can use `moc_now` table, which contains the following string values:
-- state (possible values: "PLAY", "PAUSE", "STOP")
-- file
-- artist
-- title
-- album
-- elapsed (Time elapsed for the current track)
-- total (The current track's total time)
-and can modify `moc_notification_preset` table, which will be the preset for the naughty notifications. Check [here](https://awesomewm.org/apidoc/libraries/naughty.html#notify) for the list of variables it can contain. Default definition:
-moc_notification_preset = {
- title = "Now playing",
- timeout = 6,
- text = string.format("%s (%s) - %s\n%s", moc_now.artist,
- moc_now.album, moc_now.elapsed, moc_now.title)
-With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-`timer` | The widget timer | [`gears.timer`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/gears.timer.html)
-The `update` function can be used to refresh the widget before `timeout` expires.
-You can use `timer` to start/stop the widget as you like.
-## Keybindings
-You can control the widget with key bindings like these:
--- MOC control
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Up",
- function ()
- os.execute("mocp -G") -- toggle
- moc.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Down",
- function ()
- os.execute("mocp -s") -- stop
- moc.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Left",
- function ()
- os.execute("mocp -r") -- previous
- moc.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Right",
- function ()
- os.execute("mocp -f") -- next
- moc.update()
- end),
-where `altkey = "Mod1"`.
-If you don't use the widget for long periods and wish to spare CPU, you can toggle it with a keybinding like this:
--- toggle MOC widget
-awful.key({ altkey }, "0",
- function ()
- local common = { text = "MOC widget ", position = "top_middle", timeout = 2 }
- if moc.timer.started then
- moc.timer:stop()
- common.text = common.text .. markup.bold("OFF")
- else
- moc.timer:start()
- common.text = common.text .. markup.bold("ON")
- end
- naughty.notify(common)
- end),
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows MPD status.
-local mympd = lain.widget.mpd()
-Now playing songs are notified like this:
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- | +-------+ |
- | |/^\_/^\| Now playing |
- | |\ O O /| Cannibal Corpse (Hammer Smashed Face) - 1993 |
- | | '.o.' | Hammer Smashed Face (Radio Disney Version) |
- | +-------+ |
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
-**Note:** if MPD is turned off or not set correctly, the widget will constantly display "N/A" values.
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 2
-`password` | MPD password | string | ""
-`host` | MPD server | string | ""
-`port` | MPD port | string | "6600"
-`music_dir` | Music directory | string | "~/Music"
-`cover_size` | Album art notification size (both height and width) | integer | 100
-`cover_pattern` | Pattern for the album art file | string | `*.(jpg\|jpeg\|png\|gif)$`
-`default_art` | Default art | string | `nil`
-`notify` | Show notification pop-ups | string | "on"
-`followtag` | Notification behaviour | boolean | false
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-\* In Lua, "\\\\" means "\" escaped.
-The default `cover_pattern` definition will make the widget set the first JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF file found in the directory as the album art.
-Pay attention to case sensitivity when defining `music_dir`.
-`settings` can use `mpd_now` table, which contains the following values:
-(**note:** the first four are boolean [flags](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/pull/205), the remaining are all strings)
-- random_mode
-- single_mode
-- repeat_mode
-- consume_mode
-- pls_pos (playlist position)
-- pls_len (playlist length)
-- state (possible values: "play", "pause", "stop")
-- file
-- artist
-- title
-- name
-- album
-- track
-- genre
-- date
-- [time](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/pull/90) (length of current song, in seconds)
-- [elapsed](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/pull/90) (elapsed time of current song, in seconds)
-- volume
-And can modify `mpd_notification_preset` table, which will be the preset for the naughty notifications. Check [here](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/libraries/naughty.html#notify) for the list of variables it can contain. Default definition:
-mpd_notification_preset = {
- title = "Now playing",
- timeout = 6,
- text = string.format("%s (%s) - %s\n%s", mpd_now.artist,
- mpd_now.album, mpd_now.date, mpd_now.title)
-With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The textbox | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-`timer` | The widget timer | [`gears.timer`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/gears.timer.html)
-The `update` function can be used to refresh the widget before `timeout` expires.
-You can use `timer` to start/stop the widget as you like.
-## Key bindings
-You can control the widget with key bindings like these:
--- MPD control
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Up",
- function ()
- awful.spawn.with_shell("mpc toggle || ncmpc toggle || pms toggle")
- mympd.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Down",
- function ()
- awful.spawn.with_shell("mpc stop || ncmpc stop || pms stop")
- mympd.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Left",
- function ()
- awful.spawn.with_shell("mpc prev || ncmpc prev || pms prev")
- mympd.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "Right",
- function ()
- awful.spawn.with_shell("mpc next || ncmpc next || pms next")
- mympd.update()
- end),
-Where `altkey = "Mod1"`.
-If you don't use the widget for long periods and wish to spare CPU, you can toggle it with a key binding like this:
--- disable MPD widget
-awful.key({ altkey }, "0",
- function ()
- local common = {
- text = "MPD widget ",
- position = "top_middle",
- timeout = 2
- }
- if mympd.timer.started then
- mympd.timer:stop()
- common.text = common.text .. markup.bold("OFF")
- else
- mympd.timer:start()
- common.text = common.text .. markup.bold("ON")
- end
- naughty.notify(common)
- end),
-## Notes
-### Cover not showing in notifications
-If the cover file is existent but not showed in notifications, [try](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/393) setting `music_dir` to a symlink of your music folder, rather than to a physical path. This can be easily done through
-ln -s /the/real_path_to_your_music/ /home/username/Music
-However, this only applies if the music is stored outside your user-specific folder, for instance in an external partition.
-### Always use `set_markup`
-In `settings`, if you use `widget:set_text`, [it will ignore Pango markup](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/258), so be sure to always use `widget:set_markup`.
-### Volume fade in toggling MPD
-If you want a fade in/out in toggling MPD, you can put [this script](https://gist.github.com/lcpz/76e315bc27c6cdf7edd5021964b88df1) in your local `bin` directory:
-$ curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/lcpz/76e315bc27c6cdf7edd5021964b88df1/raw/97f7ba586418a4e07637cfbc91d2974278dfa623/mpd-fade -o ~/bin/mpc-fade
-$ chmod +x ~/bin/mpc-fade
-Set your 1% decrease/increase commands [here](https://gist.github.com/lcpz/76e315bc27c6cdf7edd5021964b88df1#file-mpd-fade-L8-L9), then use a key binding like this:
--- MPD toggle with volume fading
-awful.key({ "Shift" }, "Pause",
- function()
- awful.spawn.easy_async("mpc-fade 20 4", -- mpc-fade
- function(stdout, stderr, reason, exit_code)
- mympd.update()
- end)
- end),
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/wiki/net.md b/.config/awesome/lain/wiki/net.md
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Monitors network interfaces and shows current traffic.
-local mynet = lain.widget.net()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 2
-`iface` | Network device(s) | string (single interface) or table of strings (multiple interfaces) | autodetected
-`units` | Units | integer | 1024 (kilobytes)
-`notify` | Display "no carrier" notifications | string | "on"
-`wifi_state` | Get Wi-Fi connection status | string | "off"
-`eth_state` | Get Ethernet connection status | string | "off"
-`screen` | Notifications screen | integer | 1
-`format` | String format for output | string | "%.1f"
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`iface` can be a string or an table of the form `{ "eth0", "eth1", ... }` containing a list of the devices to collect data on.
-If more than one device is included, `net_now.sent` and `net_now.received` will contain cumulative values over all given devices.
-Use `net_now.devices["eth0"]` to access `sent`, `received`, `state` or `carrier` per device.
-Possible alternative values for `units` are 1 (byte) or multiple of 1024: 1024^2 (MB), 1024^3 (GB), and so on.
-If `notify = "off"` is set, the widget won't display a notification when there's no carrier.
-`settings` can use the following `iface` related strings:
-- `net_now.carrier` ("0", "1");
-- `net_now.state` ("up", "down");
-- `net_now.sent` and `net_now.received` (numbers) will be the sum across all specified interfaces;
-- `net_now.devices["interface"]` contains the previous attributes for each detected interface.
-If `wifi_state = "on"` is set, `settings` can use the following extra strings attached to `net_now.devices["wireless interface"]`:
-- `wifi` (true, false) indicates if the interface is connected to a network;
-- `signal` (number) is the connection signal strength in dBm;
-If `eth_state = "on"` is set, `settings` can use the following extra string: `net_now.devices["ethernet interface"].ethernet`, which is a boolean indicating if an Ethernet connection's active.
-For compatibility reasons, if multiple devices are given, `net_now.carrier` and `net_now.state` correspond to the last interface in the `iface` table and should not be relied upon (deprecated).
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-`get_devices` | Update the `iface` table | function
-## Notes
-### Setting `iface` manually
-If the widget [spawns a "no carrier" notification and you are sure to have an active network device](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/102), then autodetection is probably not working. This may due to [your user privileges](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/issues/102#issuecomment-246470526). In this case you can set `iface` manually. You can see which device is **UP,LOWER_UP** with the following command:
-ip link show
-## Usage examples
-### Two widgets for upload/download rates from the same `iface`
-local mynetdown = wibox.widget.textbox()
-local mynetup = lain.widget.net {
- settings = function()
- widget:set_markup(net_now.sent)
- mynetdown:set_markup(net_now.received)
- end
-### Wi-Fi/Ethernet connection and signal strength indicator
-local wifi_icon = wibox.widget.imagebox()
-local eth_icon = wibox.widget.imagebox()
-local net = lain.widget.net {
- notify = "off",
- wifi_state = "on",
- eth_state = "on",
- settings = function()
- local eth0 = net_now.devices.eth0
- if eth0 then
- if eth0.ethernet then
- eth_icon:set_image(ethernet_icon_filename)
- else
- eth_icon:set_image()
- end
- end
- local wlan0 = net_now.devices.wlan0
- if wlan0 then
- if wlan0.wifi then
- local signal = wlan0.signal
- if signal < -83 then
- wifi_icon:set_image(wifi_weak_filename)
- elseif signal < -70 then
- wifi_icon:set_image(wifi_mid_filename)
- elseif signal < -53 then
- wifi_icon:set_image(wifi_good_filename)
- elseif signal >= -53 then
- wifi_icon:set_image(wifi_great_filename)
- end
- else
- wifi_icon:set_image()
- end
- end
- end
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows and controls PulseAudio volume.
-local volume = lain.widget.pulse()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 5
-`devicetype` | PulseAudio device type | string ("sink", "source") | "sink"
-`cmd` | PulseAudio command | string or function | see [here](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/blob/master/widget/pulse.lua#L25)
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`cmd` is a terminal command to catch infos from current default device. You can redefine it, being sure that the ouput is something like this:
-* index: 0
- volume: front-left: 18340 / 28% / -33.18 dB, front-right: 18340 / 28% / -33.18 dB
- muted: no
- device.string = "front:1"
-If your devices change dynamically, you can define it as a function which returns a command string.
-If `sed` doesn't work, you can try with `grep`:
-cmd = "pacmd list-" .. pulse.devicetype .. "s | grep -e $(pactl info | grep -e 'ink' | cut -d' ' -f3) -e 'volume: front' -e 'muted'"
-### `settings` variables
-`settings` can use the following variables:
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Values
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`volume_now.device` | Device name | string | device name or "N/A"
-`volume_now.index` | Device index | string | >= "0"
-`volume_now.muted` | Device mute status | string | "yes", "no", "N/A"
-`volume_now.channel` | Device channels | table of string integers | `volume_now.channel[i]`, where `i >= 1`
-`volume_now.left` | Front left sink level or first source | string | "0"-"100"
-`volume_now.right` | Front right sink level or second source | string | "0"-"100"
-`volume_now.channel` is a table of your PulseAudio devices. Fetch a channel level like this: `volume_now.channel[i]`, where `i >= 1`.
-`volume_now.{left,right}` are pointers for `volume_now.{channel[1], channel[2]}` (stereo).
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-## Buttons
- awful.button({}, 1, function() -- left click
- awful.spawn("pavucontrol")
- end),
- awful.button({}, 2, function() -- middle click
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %s 100%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 3, function() -- right click
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-mute %s toggle", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 4, function() -- scroll up
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %s +1%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 5, function() -- scroll down
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %s -1%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end)
-## Keybindings
--- PulseAudio volume control
-awful.key({ altkey }, "Up",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %s +1%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey }, "Down",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %s -1%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey }, "m",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-mute %s toggle", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "m",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %s 100%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
-awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "0",
- function ()
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %s 0%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
-where `altkey = "Mod1"`.
-## Example
--- PulseAudio volume (based on multicolor theme)
-local volume = lain.widget.pulse {
- settings = function()
- vlevel = volume_now.left .. "-" .. volume_now.right .. "% | " .. volume_now.device
- if volume_now.muted == "yes" then
- vlevel = vlevel .. " M"
- end
- widget:set_markup(lain.util.markup("#7493d2", vlevel))
- end
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/wiki/pulsebar.md b/.config/awesome/lain/wiki/pulsebar.md
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows PulseAudio volume with a progressbar; provides tooltips and notifications.
-local volume = lain.widget.pulsebar()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 5
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`width` | Bar width | number | 63
-`height` | Bar height | number | 1
-`margins` | Bar margins | number | 1
-`paddings` | Bar paddings | number | 1
-`ticks` | Set bar ticks on | boolean | false
-`ticks_size` | Ticks size | number | 7
-`tick` | String for a notification tick | string | "|"
-`tick_pre` | String for the left notification delimeter | string | "["
-`tick_post` | String for the right notification delimeter | string | "]"
-`tick_none` | String for an empty notification tick | string | " "
-`scallback` | [PulseAudio sink callback](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/pulseaudio/) | function | `nil`
-`sink` | Mixer sink | number | 0
-`colors` | Bar colors | table | see [Default colors](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/pulsebar#default-colors)
-`notification_preset` | Notification preset | table | See [default `notification_preset`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/pulsebar#default-notification_preset)
-`followtag` | Display the notification on currently focused screen | boolean | false
-`notification_preset` | Notification preset | table | See [default `notification_preset`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/pulsebar#default-notification_preset)
-`devicetype` | PulseAudio device type | string ("sink", "source") | "sink"
-`cmd` | PulseAudio command | string or function | see [here](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/blob/master/widget/pulsebar.lua#L48)
-Read [pulse](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/pulse) page for `cmd` settings.
-`settings` can use [these variables](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/pulse#settings-variables).
-With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.
-### Default colors
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`background` | Bar backgrund color | string | "#000000"
-`mute` | Bar mute color | string | "#EB8F8F"
-`unmute` | Bar unmute color | string | "#A4CE8A"
-### Default `notification_preset`
-notification_preset = {
- font = "Monospace 10"
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`bar` | The widget | `wibox.widget.progressbar`
-`device` | PulseAudio device | string
-`notify` | The notification | function
-`update` | Update state | function
-`tooltip` | The tooltip | `awful.tooltip`
-## Buttons
- awful.button({}, 1, function() -- left click
- awful.spawn("pavucontrol")
- end),
- awful.button({}, 2, function() -- middle click
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %d 100%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 3, function() -- right click
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-mute %d toggle", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 4, function() -- scroll up
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %d +1%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end),
- awful.button({}, 5, function() -- scroll down
- os.execute(string.format("pactl set-sink-volume %d -1%%", volume.device))
- volume.update()
- end)
-## Keybindings
-Same as [here](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/pulse#keybindings). If you want notifications, use `volume.notify()` instead of `volume.update()`.
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-### What is Redshift? #
-[**Project homepage**](http://jonls.dk/redshift/)
->**Redshift** is an application that adjusts the computer display's color temperature based upon the Sun's apparent position in relation to the user's location on Earth.
->The program is free software, inspired by the proprietary f.lux, and can be used to reduce eye strain as well as insomnia and delayed sleep phase syndrome.
->The computer display's color temperature transitions evenly from night to daytime temperature to allow the user's eyes to slowly adapt. At night, the color temperature is low and is typically 3000–4000 K (default is 3500 K), preferably matching the room's lighting temperature. Typical color temperature during the daytime is 5500–6500 K (default is 5500 K).
-**Source:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift_%28software%29)
-### Preparations
-**Redshift must be installed** on your system if you want to use this widget.
-Packages should be available for most distributions. Source code and build instructions can be found on Github [here](https://github.com/jonls/redshift).
-You also need a valid config file. Please see the [project homepage](http://jonls.dk/redshift/) for details. An example: [`~/.config/redshift.conf`](https://github.com/jonls/redshift/blob/master/redshift.conf.sample).
-You have to match the location settings to your personal situation: you can adjust the `lat` and `lon` variables using a [web service](https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=get+latitude+and+longitude).
-You might also want to modify the color temperatures to fit your preferences.
-### Using the widget
-This widget provides the following functions:
-| function | meaning |
-| --- | --- |
-| `redshift.toggle()` | Toggles Redshift adjustments on or off, and also restarts it if terminates. |
-| `redshift.attach(widget, update_function)` | Attach to a widget. Click on the widget to toggle redshift on or off. `update_function` is a callback function which will be triggered each time Redshift changes its status. (See the examples below.) |
-### Usage examples
-#### Textbox status widget
-myredshift = wibox.widget.textbox()
- myredshift,
- function (active)
- if active then
- myredshift:set_text("RS on")
- else
- myredshift:set_text("RS off")
- end
- end
-Then add `myredshift` to your wibox.
-#### Checkbox status widget
-local markup = lain.util.markup
-local myredshift = wibox.widget{
- checked = false,
- check_color = "#EB8F8F",
- border_color = "#EB8F8F",
- border_width = 1,
- shape = gears.shape.square,
- widget = wibox.widget.checkbox
-local myredshift_text = wibox.widget{
- align = "center",
- widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
-local myredshift_stack = wibox.widget{
- myredshift,
- myredshift_text,
- layout = wibox.layout.stack
- myredshift,
- function (active)
- if active then
- -- rename 'beautiful' to 'theme' if using awesome-copycats
- myredshift_text:set_markup(markup(beautiful.bg_normal, "R"))
- else
- -- rename 'beautiful' to 'theme' if using awesome-copycats
- myredshift_text:set_markup(markup(beautiful.fg_normal, "R"))
- end
- myredshift.checked = active
- end
-Then add `myredshift_stack` to your wibox.
-#### Keybinding
-Add this to the keybindings in your `rc.lua`:
--- Toggle Redshift with Mod+Shift+t
-awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "t", function () lain.widget.contrib.redshift.toggle() end),
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows the current system load.
-mysysload = lain.widget.sysload()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 2
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`settings` can use strings `load_1`, `load_5` and `load_15`, which are the load averages over 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Attaches a [taskwarrior](http://taskwarrior.org) notifications to a widget, and lets you execute `task` commands from the promptbox.
-lain.widget.contrib.task.attach(widget, args)
-`args` is an optional table which can contain:
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`show_cmd` | Taskwarrior command to show in the popup | string | "task next"
-`prompt_text` | Prompt text | string | "Enter task command: "
-`followtag` | Display the notification on currently focused screen | boolean | false
-`notification_preset` | Notification preset | table | See [default `notification_preset`](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/task#default-notification_preset)
-The tasks are shown in a notification popup when the mouse is moved over the attached `widget`, and the popup is hidden when the mouse is moved away. By default, the notification will show the output of `task next`. With `show_cmd`, the `task` popup command can be customized, for example if you want to [filter the tasks](https://taskwarrior.org/docs/filter.html) or show a [custom report](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/pull/213).
-With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.
-You can call the notification with a keybinding like this:
-awful.key({ modkey, altkey }, "t", function () lain.widget.contrib.task.show(scr) end),
-where ``altkey = "Mod1"`` and `scr` (optional) indicates the screen which you want the notification in.
-And you can prompt to input a `task` command with a keybinding like this:
-awful.key({ altkey }, "t", lain.widget.contrib.task.prompt),
-### Default `notification_preset`
-notification_preset = {
- font = "Monospace 10",
- icon = helpers.icons_dir .. "/taskwarrior.png"
-## Note
-* If your widget does not display `task next` output, try changing Taskwarrior verbose, for instance: `show_cmd = 'task rc.verbose:label'` or `show_cmd = 'task rc.verbose:nothing'`.
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Shows the current CPU temperature.
-local mytemp = lain.widget.temp()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 30
-`tempfile` | Path of file which stores core temperature value | string | "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`format` | String format for output | string | "%.1f"
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`settings` can use the string `coretemp_now`, which contains the info retrieved from `tempfile`, and the table `temp_now`, which contains an entry for each `*temp*` file in each directory in the following paths:
-All values are expressed in Celsius (GNU/Linux standard).
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
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-# Description
-[`tp_smapi`](http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi) interface and widget creator.
-local tp_smapi = lain.widget.contrib.tp_smapi(apipath)
-The argument `apipath` is an optional string which defines the API path. Its default value is `"/sys/devices/platform/smapi"`.
-# Functions
-## tp_smapi.get(batid, feature)
-Gets the `feature` of battery `batid`. Returns a string. The list of available features is available at [this page](https://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi#Battery_status_features).
-## tp_smapi.installed(batid)
-Checks if battery `batid` is installed. Returns a boolean.
-## tp_smapi.status(batid)
-Gets the status of battery `batid`. Returns a string ("charging", "discharging", or "full").
-## tp_smapi.percentage(batid)
-Gets the percentage of battery `batid`. Returns a numeric string.
-## tp_smapi.time(batid)
-Gets the time of battery `batid`. Depending on the current status, it can be either running or charging time. Returns a string of the format `HH:MM`.
-## tp_smapi.hide()
-Removes any notification spawned by `tp_smapi.show`.
-## tp_smapi.show(batid, seconds, scr)
-Notifies the current information of battery `batid` for `seconds` seconds on screen `scr`.
-The argument `scr` is optional, and if missing, the notification will be displayed on the currently focused screen.
-## tp_smapi.create_widget(args)
-Creates a [lain widget](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage) of the available ThinkPad batteries.
-local tpbat = tp_smapi.create_widget()
-### Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget type to use | [`wibox.widget`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/wibox.widget.html) | [`wibox.widget.textbox`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/wibox.widget.textbox.html)
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | integer | 30
-`pspath` | Power supply directory path | string | "/sys/class/power_supply/"
-`battery` | Single battery id | string | autodetected
-`batteries` | Multiple batteries id table | table of strings | autodetected
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-The widget will try to autodetect `battery` and `batteries`. If something
-goes wrong, you will have to define them manually. In that case, you only have
-to define one between `battery` and `batteries`. If you have one battery, you
-can either use `args.battery = "BAT*"` or `args.batteries = {"BAT*"}`, where `BAT*`
-is the identifier of your battery in `pspath` (do not use it as a wildcard).
-Of course, if you have multiple batteries, you need to use the latter option.
-If you define `pspath`, **be sure** to not forget the final slash (/).
-`settings` can use the `tpbat_now` table, which contains the following strings:
-- `status`, general status ("N/A", "discharging", "charging", "full");
-- `n_status[i]`, i-th battery status (like above);
-- `n_perc[i]`, i-th battery charge percentage (like above);
-- `n_time[i]`, i-th battery running or charging time (HH:MM string or "N/A");
-`n_time[i]` is the running time of battery `i` when it is discharging, and the charging time otherwise.
-### Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | [`wibox.widget`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/wibox.widget.html) | [textbox](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/wibox.widget.textbox.html)
-`batteries` | Battery identifiers | Table of strings
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-`timer` | The widget timer | [`gears.timer`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/gears.timer.html)
-The `update` function can be used to refresh the widget before `timeout` expires.
-### Usage example
-local tp_smapi = lain.widget.contrib.tp_smapi()
-local bat = tp_smapi.create_widget {
- battery = "BAT0",
- settings = function()
- widget:set_markup(tpbat_now.n_perc[1] .. "%")
- end
-bat.widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function () tp_smapi.show("BAT0") end)
-bat.widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function () tp_smapi.hide() end)
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Template for asynchronous watcher widgets.
-Executes an input command and makes the user feed a `wibox.widget` with the output.
-local mywatch = lain.widget.watch()
-This has been implemented in Awesome 4.0 as [`awful.widget.watch`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/awful.widget.watch.html). But while Awesome `watch` returns only the widget, Lain one returns a table including its timer and internal update function too.
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`widget` | Widget to feed | `wibox.widget` | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout seconds | number | 5
-`cmd` | The command to execute | string **or** table | `nil`
-`nostart` | Widget timer doesn't start immediately | boolean | false
-`stoppable` | Widget timer is stoppable | boolean | false
-`settings` | User settings | function | see [Default `settings` function](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/watch#default-settings-function)
-If your command needs a shell, you need to set `cmd` as an array of 3 strings, where the first contains the shell, the second contains `-c`, and the third contains the actual command. Example:
-cmd = { awful.util.shell, "-c", "myactualcommand" }
-`settings` can use the string `output`, which is the output of `cmd`.
-### Default `settings` function
-settings = function() widget:set_text(output) end
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | input widget type or `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-`timer` | The widget timer | [`gears.timer`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/gears.timer.html) or `nil`
-The `update` function can be used to refresh the widget before `timeout` expires.
-If `stoppable == true`, the widget will have an ad-hoc timer, which you can control though `timer` variable.
-## Use case examples
-### bitcoin
--- Bitcoin to USD current price, using Coinbase V1 API
-local bitcoin = lain.widget.watch({
- timeout = 43200, -- half day
- stoppable = true,
- cmd = "curl -m5 -s 'https://coinbase.com/api/v1/prices/buy'",
- settings = function()
- local btc, pos, err = require("lain.util").dkjson.decode(output, 1, nil)
- local btc_price = (not err and btc and btc["subtotal"]["amount"]) or "N/A"
- -- customize here
- widget:set_text(btc_price)
- end
-### btrfs
--- btrfs root df
-local myrootfs = lain.widget.watch({
- timeout = 600,
- cmd = "btrfs filesystem df -g /",
- settings = function()
- local total, used = string.match(output, "Data.-total=(%d+%.%d+)GiB.-used=(%d+%.%d+)GiB")
- local percent_used = math.ceil((tonumber(used) / tonumber(total)) * 100)
- -- customize here
- widget:set_text(" [/: " .. percent_used .. "%] ")
- end
-### cmus
--- cmus audio player
-local cmus = lain.widget.watch({
- timeout = 2,
- stoppable = true,
- cmd = "cmus-remote -Q",
- settings = function()
- local cmus_now = {
- state = "N/A",
- artist = "N/A",
- title = "N/A",
- album = "N/A"
- }
- for w in string.gmatch(output, "(.-)tag") do
- a, b = w:match("(%w+) (.-)\n")
- cmus_now[a] = b
- end
- -- customize here
- widget:set_text(cmus_now.artist .. " - " .. cmus_now.title)
- end
-### maildir
--- checks whether there are files in the "new" directories of a mail dirtree
-local mailpath = "~/Mail"
-local mymaildir = lain.widget.watch({
- timeout = 60,
- stoppable = true,
- cmd = { awful.util.shell, "-c", string.format("ls -1dr %s/*/new/*", mailpath) },
- settings = function()
- local inbox_now = { digest = "" }
- for dir in output:gmatch(".-/(%w+)/new") do
- inbox_now[dir] = 1
- for _ in output:gmatch(dir) do
- inbox_now[dir] = inbox_now[dir] + 1
- end
- if #inbox_now.digest > 0 then inbox_now.digest = inbox_now.digest .. ", " end
- inbox_now.digest = inbox_now.digest .. string.format("%s (%d)", dir, inbox_now[dir])
- end
- -- customize here
- widget:set_text("mail: " .. inbox_now.digest)
- end
-### mpris
--- infos from mpris clients such as spotify and VLC
--- based on https://github.com/acrisci/playerctl
-local mpris = lain.widget.watch({
- cmd = "playerctl status && playerctl metadata",
- timeout = 2,
- stoppable = true,
- settings = function()
- local escape_f = require("awful.util").escape
- local mpris_now = {
- state = "N/A",
- artist = "N/A",
- title = "N/A",
- art_url = "N/A",
- album = "N/A",
- album_artist = "N/A"
- }
- mpris_now.state = string.match(output, "Playing") or
- string.match(output, "Paused") or "N/A"
- for k, v in string.gmatch(output, "'[^:]+:([^']+)':[%s]<%[?'([^']+)'%]?>")
- do
- if k == "artUrl" then mpris_now.art_url = v
- elseif k == "artist" then mpris_now.artist = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "title" then mpris_now.title = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "album" then mpris_now.album = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "albumArtist" then mpris_now.album_artist = escape_f(v)
- end
- end
- -- customize here
- widget:set_text(mpris_now.artist .. " - " .. mpris_now.title)
- end
-### upower
--- battery infos from freedesktop upower
-local mybattery = lain.widget.watch({
- timeout = 30,
- cmd = { awful.util.shell, "-c", "upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT | sed -n '/present/,/icon-name/p'" },
- settings = function()
- local bat_now = {
- present = "N/A",
- state = "N/A",
- warninglevel = "N/A",
- energy = "N/A",
- energyfull = "N/A",
- energyrate = "N/A",
- voltage = "N/A",
- percentage = "N/A",
- capacity = "N/A",
- icon = "N/A"
- }
- for k, v in string.gmatch(output, '([%a]+[%a|-]+):%s*([%a|%d]+[,|%a|%d]-)') do
- if k == "present" then bat_now.present = v
- elseif k == "state" then bat_now.state = v
- elseif k == "warning-level" then bat_now.warninglevel = v
- elseif k == "energy" then bat_now.energy = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- Wh
- elseif k == "energy-full" then bat_now.energyfull = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- Wh
- elseif k == "energy-rate" then bat_now.energyrate = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- W
- elseif k == "voltage" then bat_now.voltage = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- V
- elseif k == "percentage" then bat_now.percentage = tonumber(v) -- %
- elseif k == "capacity" then bat_now.capacity = string.gsub(v, ",", ".") -- %
- elseif k == "icon-name" then bat_now.icon = v
- end
- end
- -- customize here
- widget:set_text("Bat: " .. bat_now.percentage .. " " .. bat_now.state)
- end
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-## Usage
-[Read here.](https://github.com/lcpz/lain/wiki/Widgets#usage)
-### Description
-Provides current weather status widgets and X-days forecast pop-up notifications.
-Powered by OpenWeatherMap. Obtain a free API key [here](http://openweathermap.org/api) and set it as the `APPID` argument.
-By default, it uses [current](http://openweathermap.org/current) for current weather data and [forecast16](http://openweathermap.org/forecast16) for forecasts.
-local myweather = lain.widget.weather()
-## Input table
-Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
---- | --- | --- | ---
-`APPID` | API key | String | `nil`
-`timeout` | Refresh timeout seconds for current weather status | number | 900 (15 min)
-`current_call` | Command to fetch weather status data from the API | string | see `default_current_call`
-`forecast_call` | Command to fetch forecast data from the API | string | see `default_forecast_call`
-`city_id` | API city code | number | not set
-`units` | Temperature units system | string | "metric"
-`lang` | API data localization | string | "en"
-`cnt` | Forecast days interval | integer | 5
-`icons_path` | Icons path | string | `lain/icons/openweathermap`
-`notification_preset` | Preset for notifications | table | empty table
-`notification_text_fun` | Function to format forecast notifications | function | see `notification_text_fun` below
-`weather_na_markup` | Markup to be used when weather textbox is not available | text | " N/A "
-`followtag` | Display the notification on currently focused screen | boolean | false
-`showpopup` | Display popups with mouse hovering | string, possible values: "on", "off" | "on"
-`settings` | User settings | function | empty function
-`widget` | Widget to render | function | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-- ``default_current_call``
- `"curl -s 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?id=%s&units=%s&lang=%s&APPID=%s'"`
- You can rewrite it using any fetcher solution you like, or you can modify it in order to fetch data by city name, instead of ID: just replace `id` with `q`:
- `"curl -s 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=%s&units=%s&lang=%s&APPID=%s'"`
- and set `city_id` with your city name, for instance `city_id = "London,UK"`.
-- ``default_forecast_call``
- `"curl -s 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?id=%s&units=%s&lang=%s&APPID=%s'"`
- Like above.
-- ``city_id``
- An integer that defines the OpenWeatherMap ID code of your city.
- To obtain it go to [OpenWeatherMap](http://openweathermap.org/) and query for your city in the top search bar. The link will look like this:
- http://openweathermap.org/city/2643743
- your `city_id` is the number at the end.
-- ``units``
- - For temperature in Fahrenheit use `units = "imperial"`
- - For temperature in Celsius use `units = "metric"` (Lain default)
- - For temperature in Kelvin use `units = "standard"` (OpenWeatherMap default)
-- ``lang``
- See *Multilingual Support* section [here](http://openweathermap.org/current).
-- ``icons_path``
- You can set your own icons path if you don't wish to use `lain/icons/openweathermap`. Just be sure that your icons are PNGs and named exactly like [OpenWeatherMap ones](http://openweathermap.org/weather-conditions).
-- ``notification_preset``
- Notifications preset table. See [here](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/libraries/naughty.html#notify) for the details.
-- ``notification_text_fun``
- ```lua
- function (wn)
- local day = os.date("%a %d", wn["dt"])
- local temp = math.floor(wn["main"]["temp"])
- local desc = wn["weather"][1]["description"]
- return string.format("%s: %s, %d ", day, desc, temp)
- end
- ```
-- ``followtag``
- With multiple screens, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followtag` to `true` it will be shown on the currently focused tag screen.
-- ``settings``
- In your `settings` function, you can use `widget` variable to refer to the textbox, and the dictionary `weather_now` to refer to data retrieved by `current_call`. The dictionary is built with [dkjson library](http://dkolf.de/src/dkjson-lua.fsl/home), and its structure is defined [here](http://openweathermap.org/weather-data).
- For instance, you can retrieve current weather status and temperature in this way:
- ```lua
- descr = weather_now["weather"][1]["description"]:lower()
- units = math.floor(weather_now["main"]["temp"])
- ```
-## Output table
-Variable | Meaning | Type
---- | --- | ---
-`widget` | The widget | `wibox.widget.textbox`
-`icon` | The icon | `wibox.widget.imagebox`
-`update` | Update `widget` | function
-`timer` | The widget timer | [`gears.timer`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/gears.timer.html)
-`timer_forecast` | The forecast notification timer | [`gears.timer`](https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/classes/gears.timer.html)
-## Functions
-You can attach the forecast notification to any widget like this:
-Hovering over ``obj`` will display the notification.
-## Key bindings
-You can create a key binding for the weather pop-up like this:
-awful.key( { "Mod1" }, "w", function () myweather.show(5) end )
-Where the ``show`` argument is an integer defining timeout seconds.
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b43347c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+[submodule ".config/awesome/freedesktop"]
+ path = .config/awesome/freedesktop
+ url = https://github.com/lcpz/awesome-freedesktop.git
+[submodule ".config/awesome/lain"]
+ path = .config/awesome/lain
+ url = https://github.com/lcpz/lain.git